We’re looking at building new council rent homes on the northern part of the estate
This will mean:
- New homes will be for council rent and existing residents of Lennox Estate in housing need or looking to downsize will be given priority for allocation of the new homes
- No net loss of open space
- Increase in play space and improvements to existing play areas
- Introduction of controlled parking in order to prevent non-estate residents from parking on the estate. Free permits to be provided for existing estate residents
- Improved access onto Upper Richmond Road
- No loss of community or education facilities
Why are we here today?
This is our second engagement event. In our first, you provided helpful feedback around what works well about the estate at the moment, and where you think improvements could be made. We are still at the early stages of the design process, but have used your feedback to come up with some principles that could be used to guide the designs for new homes and spaces. We would like to get your feedback on these principles today.
We have focused on the northern part of the estate, as development in this area will not require the demolition of any existing homes, and could also help improve:
- The usable open space and public realm
- Play facilities for the estate
- How vehicles move around the estate and where they can park
- Pedestrian routes across the estate, and connections to Upper Richmond Road
Respond online
We have an online platform at www.lennox-homesforwandsworth.co.uk where the boards can be viewed.
The questionnaire from this event will also be available to complete online (please provide your responses by 5th March).
Additional homes on the estate
- Responses from the first event made it clear that people enjoy living on the estate and there is a strong sense of community
- As a result, and with the need for new housing in the borough, it is proposed that additional homes could be built on the northern part of the estate
- This area of the estate has many opportunities as well as constraints. Specialist surveys, impact assessments and other work is being undertaken in the coming months to ensure that emerging proposals respond to these opportunities and constraints.