Emerging landscape plan
Beverley Brook
- We’ve talked to Barnes Conservation Team about Beverley Brook.
- They are carrying out surveys to understand what species are currently living in the brook and rebuilding vital habitats.
- The design team are keen to explore ways of increasing visual connection to the brook, whilst respecting its ecological sensitivity.
Play facilities
- The existing community room/boxing club may need to be relocated as a result of these proposals. It is our intention to reprovide a brand new community facility in the lower floor areas of the new taller block.
- New play facilities will be provided. These could include a new playground, more natural and adventurous play elements, play space for girls, and sensory and inclusive play elements.
- We think new play facilities should be focussed in the central open space between the new buildings.
Trees and biodiversity
- Retaining as many trees as possible is a priority. However, to build new homes, we will probably need to remove a small number of trees that are already in poor condition and will probably not survive much longer than 10 years. New replacement trees will be planted in their place.
- Particular focus for new planting and habitat creation could be on the western half of the estate, linking with Beverley Brook.
- We will also:
- Introduce new site-specific planting
- Work with local groups to support their work and/or bolster awareness of the biodiversity crisis
- Demonstrate a biodiversity ‘net gain’, improving the ecological value of the estate compared to the existing condition.
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