Proposed New Development
- New homes will be for council rent
- Existing residents of Lennox Estate will be given priority for new homes via a Local Lettings Plan. Residents that are overcrowded, under-occupying or have other priority housing needs will be prioritised for new homes.
- New and improved open and green spaces
- New play spaces and sports facilities
- Controlled parking and free permits for existing estate residents
- Improved walking and cycling routes
- No loss of community or education facilities
What is happening next?
After hearing from you today, and alongside other feedback and through the project website, we will further develop the proposals for the site. We will carefully consider all feedback received.
Surveys and impact assessments
We have carried out technical studies to gain a better understanding of Lennox Estate. These reports are available under the ‘downloads’ section on the project website.
Respond online
We have an online platform at where current and past boards can be viewed.