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You said:

Key issues raised:

  • Protecting and enhancing existing assets, such as the boxing gym and community hall, should be part of proposals
  • Play facilities could be adapted, as long and children using it are able to keep playing the wide range of games they play - and more!
  • Play and outdoor facilities should cater to different generations, including older people.

What is changing?

Existing condition

We did:

A. The existing games court will be re provided. The new design will be more accessible and inclusive for a wider range of residents. The new games area will 19m by 26m and will be able to be used for a wide range of activities.

B. A flexible community space will be provided as part of the new taller building. The space is being designed as a flexible community space that could be used by a variety of occupiers. The detailed proposals will be discussed with local community organisations that may use the space in the future.

New ball court and games area

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