You said:
Key issues raised:
- New housing and residents should not add to the traffic and parking pressures
- Existing residents value having free and accessible parking
- New landscaping and better routes for walking and cycling would be beneficial
Existing condition
We did:
We carried out a Parking and Traffic Flows survey in May 2023 and additional surveys in September 2023 to better understand the existing condition of parking and traffic in the Lennox Estate and to understand the impact of the proposed new development.
Existing condition
- The Council cannot currently restrict parking within the estate.
- There are currently 368 kerbside parking spaces and 10 accessible bays in the northern part of the estate. Only around 80% of these spaces are occupied at night in the north of the estate, and around 70% in the south of the estate.
Proposed changes across Lennox Estate
- A Parking Regulation Scheme (PRS) is proposed across the full extent of the Lennox Estate meaning that only residents can park here.
- 346 PRS parking bays will be provided across the estate, meeting 100% of the current demand.
- 10 accessible bays (blue-badge holders) will be re provided across the estate and additional accessible bays will be provided for new residents.
- Only the existing residents of the estate can apply for a parking permit for the PRS parking bays. These permits will be free of charge to existing estate residents with a maximum of four permits and one visitors permit available per household.
- Visitor parking permits can be obtained free of charge from the Council so that visiting friends / family / carers / tradespersons etc will be able to park.
Proposed changes for the new development
- The section of Arabella Drive that currently runs around the northern and western edge of the site will be removed.
- A new one-way road along Ludovick Walk will connect with Arabella Drive.
- No general needs car parking will be provided as part of this development for new residents.
- 9 accessible parking bays (blue badge holders only) will be provided as part of the new development as we are required to provide enough parking to cater for the 9 new wheelchair accessible homes.
- 1 new car club vehicle in a designated bay will be provided for new residents.